S.H.E. is Healing
Suellen Evoy-Oozeer
“S.H.E. is Healing” art exhibit of 13 painted spirit portraits of all nations of women, as art as social practise done by Suellen Evoy-Oozeer. S.H.E.- Spirit, Humanity and Earth explores the healing powers of these forces combined with the sacred feminine.
Work was done during 2020-2023 creating a community at a time of isolation, these women worked to heal themselves, each other, and the artist. The healing energy has continued throughout its inception with the exhibit, the book “S.H.E. is healing” through events, gatherings, and touring since February 2024.
Join us March 30th from 1-3pm
as Suellen reads from her book “S.H.E. is Healing”
February 4 – March 30, 2024
Reception Saturday February 8th from 1-3pm