We wouldn’t be who were were without our incredible instructors.
Our teachers honour Homer Watson by teaching the next generation of Canadian Artists.

Chris MacCleod

My artistic speciality: I specialize in chalk pastels, primarily depicting wildlife as my subject matter. I have also begun to expand into pet portraiture:)
Website: www.chrismacleodart.wixsite.com/cmacart
Instagram: @chrismacleodart
Best advice for artists: Keep on trying new things and expanding your horizons! It won’t only broaden your ability as an artist, but you might just end up finding a new style or medium that you never thought you would! 
Fictional character I’d love to meet: Aragorn from Lord of the Rings 
Eat my weight in food? Definitely honey-garlic chicken wings!
My superpower? I would love to be able to talk with animals

Courtney Durastanti

My artistic speciality:  Fluid art (alcohol ink, acrylic pouring) & sketching
Website: https://courdon-art.square.site
Instagram: @Courdon.Art
Best advice for artists: Create whatever makes you happy and make all the mistakes while doing it.  The best way to improve your skills is to learn from the “oh no” and “ah ha” moments. Art is a never ending journey – enjoy every moment of it.
Fictional character I’d love to meet:  If I could meet a fictional character it would be Super Mario
Eat my weight in food?  Sour cream glazed donuts 
My superpower? If I had a superpower it would be the power to heal others

Elise MacDonald

My artistic speciality: I am a self taught macrame artist. I have been practicing for 5 years. Creating custom wall pieces is my favourite!
Website: https://tebua-macrame.myshopify.com/
Instagram: @tebua
Best advice for artists: Believe in the value of what you have to share and create because you love to.
Fictional character I’d love to meet: Jack from This is US.
Eat my weight in food? Tacos or drink my weight in ice coffee
My super power? I would love to be-able to transport to avoid any traffic and be able to travel in seconds.  

Danielle Petti

My artistic speciality: abstract landscapes with foraged earth pigments 
Website: www.daniellepetti.art 
Instagram:  @lightandpigment 
Best advice for artists:  you have a voice that should be heard, keep pushing through!
Fictional character I’d love to meet:  Sherlock Holmes
Eat my weight in food?  Popcorn!
My superpower? Using natural resources and recycling things around the house for art supplies! 

Dinesh Subramanian

My artistic speciality: Painting in Watercolors, sometimes I paint in Gouache. 
Website: https://www.watercolorimpressions.ca/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dinesh.at.toronto/
Best advice for an artist? Create freely, learn from mistakes, practice consistently, connect with others, and explore new subjects. Don’t worry about the end result; just keep painting.
Fictional character I’d love to meet? Sherlock Holmes: Unravel mysteries, witness deductive genius, explore intriguing cases together.
Eat my weight in food? I absolutely love South Indian food, especially when my mom cooks it.
My superpower? I don’t give up easily

Jacquie Heron

My artistic speciality: Painting plein air. I love the challenge of painting directly from nature. I enjoy painting spontaneously and trying to capture the moment, while battling the elements. It’s exhilarating!
instagram: @jacquieherronart
Best advice for an artist: Paint what you love. Your passion for the subject matter will come through in your work.
Fictional character I’d love to meet: Anne of Green Gable. This was a much loved story when I was younger that made an impression on me. I loved Anne’s spunk and romantic nature. 
Eat my weight in food: mushrooms! I love nothing better than homemade mushroom soup. Yum!
My superpower: Curiosity and perseverance. Both qualities drive me as an artist. 

Janice Saunders

My artistic speciality: Painting in oils and acrylic, and digital photography, but I’ve also done some textile art, pastel, mixed media and book arts. 
Website: janicesaunders.ca 
Instagram: @jr_saunders
Best advice for an artist? Keep learning and challenge yourself to try new things. Art is full of wonderful surprises. 
Fictional character I’d love to meet? I love mysteries, especially old fashioned British style cozies, so I’d love to meet Agatha Christie’s Belgian detective Hercule Poirot or Father Brown from the series by G.K. Chesterton.
Eat my weight in food? Ice cream. There are so many amazing flavours. 
My superpower? Flying. I’m afraid of heights but soaring over the treetops would be very cool, and also a great way to get places fast. And think of the photographic possibilities! 


My artistic specialty: Ceramacist 
Social Media: Facebook: Janus Dances with ghosts Sculpture  Instagram: @Janus_Sculpture 
What is the biggest highlight of your career as an artist? 911 sculptural installation in New York

Joana Iturriaga

My artistic speciality: Certifed art therapeutic practitioner, artist, graphic designer, and teacher.
Website: https://www.artsandhealingspace.com/
Social Media: Instagram @artsandhealingspace Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtsandHealingSpace/
Best piece of advice as an artist: Express yourself through the language of art, there is no right or wrong, only what you create.
My superpower? Helping people learn how to heal themselves through art.

Jonathan Tang

My artistic speciality: Painting in Oils
Instagram: @jonyanagi
Best advice for artists: Practice, practice, practice! Also, copy from the masters! 
Fictional character I’d love to meet: Robin Hood
Eat my weight in food? Hand-pulled noodles
My superpower? Drinking enough water each day

Kamalpreet Kaur

My artistic specialty: doodle art, oil pastel drawings and paper crafting
Best advice for an artist: Regularly engage in artistic activities to refine your skills and develop your style. Stay curious and open to new techniques or styles to enhance your artistic abilities.
Fictional character I’d like to meet: Harry Potter
Eat my weight in food: Rajma with rice (Indian food)

Katherine Olenic

My artistic specialty: Comics, Animation, Drawing Cartoons
Website: https://www.katherine-olenic.com/
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/artby_katherineolenic/
What do you love most about art? Creating your own worlds
If you could have one superpower what would it be? Magic powers like Dr.Strange

Laura Moreland

My artistic speciality: Oil painting, classical realism, magical realism, accuracy, and portraiture.
Website: atelieroflauraleemoreland.com
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/atelieroflauraleemoreland/
Best advice for artists:  Learn the skill first and then develop your style.  This will save you years of frustration.
Fictional character I’d love to meet:  Jean-Luc Picard
Eat my weight in food?  red Thai curry
My superpower? I make people appear on flat surfaces.

Lauren Martin

My artistic speciality: Felt Décor
Website: Coming Soon!
Instagram: @silverliningfelt
Best advice for artists: If you ever think you don’t like what you created, it’s just not displayed right. Put it in new lighting,  surround it with your favourite decor, display it a little higher or a little lower and watch it transform from a piece you didn’t want to an integral part of your home aesthetic.
Fictional character I’d love to meet: Glinda Good Witch of the South
Eat my weight in food? Freshly baked bread
My superpower? Can turn any situation into a singing, tap dancing, musical (it’s not a good musical, but a musical nonetheless)

Logan Soeder

Specialty: Watercolour (forests and illustration)
Website:  www.logansoeder.com
Social Media: FB: Logan Soeder, Instagram: @logansoederart
What’s your best piece of advice as an artist? Don’t take advice, allow yourself to flow into who you are.
What fictional character would you most like to meet? Gandalf from the Hobbit/ Lord of the Rings

Moumita Roychowdhury

Specialties: Teaching landscapes in Watercolour as well as Acrylics. On one hand, I enjoy the sublime transparency of watercolours and the fluidity that it offers while on the other hand, I am fascinated by the vibrant boldness of acrylics which renders a richness to my landscapes. 
Website: https://moumitaroychowdhury.weebly.com/
Social Media: Instagram: @moumita.dg Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/moumita.roychowdhury.3
What do you love most about art? What I love most about art is its ability to show things in a new light. I feel every artist has the unique ability to present a fresh perspective to even a mundane every-day scene from life and helps one see the unseen, hear the untold and discover the joy of exploring something unknown. For me, art is something that brings people closer to their inner self and express their deepest feelings through their brush strokes, almost like connecting one to nature and God.
If you had to eat your weight in one food, what would it be? It would probably be Sushi. I am a big fan of this Japanese dish and can eat it anytime of the day, seven days of the week!

Navtej Singh

Artistic specialty: I’m all about figurative clay modelling
Website: https://brushandclayatelier.wixsite.com/mysite
Facebook: Find me at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009979213842
Best advice for an artist: Keep that creative fire burning! Persistence and passion will take you far.
I’d love to meet: Jack Sparrow. is incredibly charming and possesses a quick wit, often using clever wordplay and cunning to navigate tricky situations.
Eat my weight in food: Sarson da Saag. …Makke di Roti with Lassi. Punjabi famous food.
My superpower: If I could pick, it’d be bringing imagination to life through art. Making dreams real, you know?

Nimra Bandukwala

My artistic specialty: Visual Art, nature art, and nature-based crafts 
Website: nimrabandukwala.com
Instagram: @nimrabandukwala.art
Best advice for an artist? Connect and collaborate with other artists. Make sure that your art practice aligns with your values.
Fictional character I’d love to meet? Picchal Peri from Pakistani folklore
Eat my weight in food? Dark chocolate 
My superpower? Empathy!

Noelle Aplevich

My artistic speciality:  ink, watercolour, gouache, spray paint
Instagram:  @noellemarieapl
Best advice for an artist: Follow a hunch, just start, keep going.

Olena Chorna

My artistic specialty: I specialize in creating decorative folk art called Petrykivka, which originated in Ukraine in the 17th century and is recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage. Petrykivka decorative painting is more than art; it is a cultural legacy of Ukraine. My mission is to globally introduce Petrykivka decorative painting, helping people discover the uniqueness of this one-stroke folk art. Carrying the rich artistic heritage of Petrykivka, I am excited to reveal my original artwork and offer art classes and workshops for all ages on the topic for any occasion. This ornamental pattern can be applied on canvas, paper, as well as on ceramic or glass bowls, vases, cups, or wood items. Each piece serves as a testament to the beauty and uniqueness of this traditional Ukrainian decorative art.
Etsy Shop: https://olenasfinearts.etsy.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olenachornafinearts
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olenasfineart
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@olenas.fine.arts
Best advice for an artist? Cultivate self-confidence and believe in the value of your artistic vision. Trust your instincts, stay passionate about your craft, and never underestimate the impact of your creative expression.
Fictional character I’d love to meet? Meeting Michelangelo, the renowned Italian artist, sculptor, architect, and poet of the High Renaissance, would be an extraordinary experience. As one of the most influential figures in the history of Western art, Michelangelo’s talent and creativity continue to inspire artists and admirers around the world.
My superpower? As an artist specializing in Petrykivka painting, my superpower lies in my ability to evoke a wide range of emotions through my artwork. With mastery of Petrykivka techniques and understanding of its symbolic language, I imbue my pieces with deep meaning, communicating complex emotions to viewers. Through creativity and intuition, I create art that resonates deeply, fostering connections between people and cultures and leaving a lasting impact on those who experience it.

Raheleh Mohammadi

My artistic specialty: Painting in Watercolor, and Drawing
Website: thepalettejourney.ca
Social Media: Instagram: @raheleh.watercolorart 
Best advice for an artist? Embrace your individuality and express it through your art. Don’t be afraid to take risks and explore new ideas.
Fictional Character I’d love to meet? Elizabeth Bennett from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth Bennet is a witty and independent-minded character who challenges the societal norms of her time.
Eat my weight in food: Ghormeh Sabzi which is a popular Iranian stew known for its rich flavors and aromatic herbs.
My Superpower: Empathy and Resilience

Roxana Bahrami

My artistic specialty: Pointillism or Dot Painting
Website:  www.roxanabahrami.com
Instagram:  @roxanabahrami
Best advice for an artist?  Do something crazy in your artwork, once in awhile !!
Fictional character I’d love to meet? Leonardo Da Vinci
Eat my weight in food?  Roasted Red Pepper Pasta with Truffle oil
My superpower? Don’t call it Superpower, but I enjoy making new colors and think I am good at it

Ralf Wall (Raflar)

My artistic specialty: Watercolour landscapes, palette knife painting with acrylic, pen & ink, and digital illustration 
Website: www.raflar.com
Instagram: @Raflar_the_Artist
Facebook: Wallhalla Art Studio

What do you love most about art? The ability to express emotions and tell stories through visual means. To draw the viewer in so that they see their own version of that story.
What is the biggest highlight of your career as an artist? Leading an art safari to Kenya, painting the wild animals and landscapes from a Land Rover, and painting the sunrise over the Masai Mara from a hot air balloon!
If you had to eat your weight in one food, what would it be? Chocolate is my kryptonite.

Shannon Stehr

My artistic specialty: printmaking, fibre art, and sculpture.
Website: shannonstehrart.com
Instagram: @catscradleworkshop
Best advice for an artist: Making creative decisions can be challenging. By training to think/work intuitively and with careful attention, we grow more confident as artists!
Fictional character I’d love to meet? Bette Porter
Eat my weight in food?  Dill Pickle Soup
Superpower? Collecting scrap materials for my “next project”

Soma Karmaker

My artistic specialty: I am in love with Watercolour!  Landscape, flowers, human emotions portrait, and birds with watercolour applying different techniques, landscapes painting with Acrylic. I also love doing pencil sketches, charcoal art, and coffee art. 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/somakarmaker/?hl=en
Facebook  page: https://www.facebook.com/artsbysomaK
Website: https://somasart.weeblysite.com/s/shop
Best Advice for artists:  Never give up, opportunity will come. Learn new, practice what you have learned. Don’t be afraid to share your creativity with others. 
The fictional character I’d love to meet: If I were not an artist, probably, I would love to be a novel writer or kids story writer. I wish I could  meet Sherlock Homes or J.K. Rowling.  
Eat my weight in food? : Soup!!! I can eat any kind of soups, chicken soup, vegetable soup,  mushroom soup, tomato soup, etc. Soup makes my mouth water!
My Superpower: If I could see the future!

Trevor Waurechen

My artistic specialty: Block print, Acrylics, Cartooning, New Media/Electronic art/Interactive
Website: www.waurechen.com
Social Media: Instagram: @waurechen
Best piece of advice as an artist: Experiment, screw up, make mistakes. There’s no better teacher.
If I had to eat my weight in food: It would obviously be pizza. Isn’t eating your weight’s worth the goal at any pizza meal?

Sumaira Tazeen

My artistic speciality: Multidisciplinary Art inspired from South Asian Miniature Painting.
Website: www.sumairatazeen.com 
Instagram: www.instgram.com/sumairatazeenstudios/
Best advice for artists: Be persistent you will reach your destination.
Fictional character I’d love to meet:
  Simurgh (Phoenix) A Persian mythical bird associated with wisdom, knowledge and rebirth.
Eat my weight in food?
Lentil with Rice.
My superpower?
Patience, observation, and honesty.

Past Instructors

Aatiqa Javad
Abeer al Harir
Alice Plummer
Ana Vatres
Andrea Lorentz
Ayesha Shafiq
Barb Di Renzo
Bhairavi Talpader
Brenda Alexander
Brett Holmes
Candice Leyland
Carrie Lam
Catherine Herzog
Cheryl-Ann Hills
Chris MacCleod

Courtney Duristani
Danielle Petti
Dottie Locks
Elise MacDonald
Elvan Suzer
Erienne Rennick
Joe Fansher
Jonathan Tang
Katie Jetter
Kenzie Whittal
Kristine May
Lambertus De Graaf
Lauren Perrin
Logan Soeder
Marion Anderson

Meg Leslie
Melika Hashemi
Michael Wiens
Patricia Beader
Pearl Van Geest
Rachel Tanner
Ruza (Rose) Vatres
Scott McNichol
Singithi Kandage
Soheila Esfahani
Soma Karmaker
Sumaira Tazeen
Supria Karmaker
Thomas Reynolds
Todd Durnan

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The Loch Doon area was memorialized in celebrated Scottish poet, Robert Burns piece “Ye banks and braes O’ bonnie Doon”

Ye banks and braes o’ bonny Doon,
How can ye bloom sae fresh and fair?
How can ye chant, ye little birds,
And I sae weary fu’ o’ care?
Thou’lt break my heart, thou warbling bird,
That wantons thro’ the flowering thorn:
Thou minds me o’ departed joys,
Departed, never to return.

Aft hae I rov’d by bonnie Doon,
To see the rose and woodbine twine;
And ilka bird sang o’ its love,
And fondly sae did I o’ mine.
Wi’ lightsome heart I pu’d a rose,
Fu’ sweet upon its thorny tree;
And my fause lover stole my rose,
But, ah! he left the thorn wi’ me.

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