Ontario By Bike
Homer Watson House & Gallery is certified bicycle-friendly as part of the Ontario By Bike. We have amenities such as secure bike parking, a bike repair kit, access to water and washrooms, and knowledge of local cycling routes.
About Ontario By Bike
The Ontario By Bike™ Network certifies and promotes bicycle friendly businesses and cycle tourism in a growing number of regions across Ontario. The Network is open to accommodations, food services, attractions, business areas and cycling related businesses and organizations supporting the development of cycle tourism. The Ontario By Bike™ Network is launched in each region with an informative workshop, after which local businesses may register on-line, at no charge, to participate and ultimately reach the growing number of cycle tourists in Ontario. The Ontario By Bike website is an increasingly popular website and portal for information on cycling in Ontario. The Ontario By Bike™ Network is a project of Transportation Options, a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering sustainable mobility and tourism solutions across Ontario.
Ontario By Bike Network c/o Transportation Options
850 Coxwell Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M4C 5R1