Memento – Patti Agapi
Memento Series
‘Memento’ is a new series of acrylic paintings ruminating on the concepts of time and place. Each piece reflects an ethereal landscape representing internal and external environments and energies, each piece is a reminder of a moment in time.
Patti Agapi is an Orillia, Ontario based abstract artist who works across the mediums of paint, collage and fibre art. She creates through a meditative application and layering of materials. Each work is a process of building up, covering up, reflection and finally fruition. Always striving to conjure interesting manifestations in colour and form, she is guided by the relationship between layers and their alchemic responses.
January 29 to May 17, 2021

Can't get to the Gallery to see the exhibition?
You can click on the images below to see Patti's amazing artwork.
Interested in purchasing or learning more about a piece? Here is how you can contact Patti Agapi: